Florida Heat Pumps | Geothermal and Water Source Heat Pumps that Lead the Pack



The Florida Heat Pumps Company is now a part of the Bosch Group. The company was founded in 1970 in Pompano Beach, FL and was purchased by Bosch in 2007. Florida Heat Pumps, or FHP, is a leading producer of water source and geothermal heat pumps. It has been on the forefront of developing innovative technology, helping to make geothermal and water source heat pumps a viable option for today’s homes.
Facts About Florida Heat Pumps
Based in Fort Lauderdale, the FHP-Bosch Group produces both heat pumps in the company’s 128,000 square foot facility. Employing approximately 200 highly-trained associates on the factory floor, FHP is one of the largest manufacturers in the world of these high-efficiency heat pumps. FHP-Bosch engineers work to incorporate the best available technology into every model, with the goal of reducing costs for heating and cooling while increasing environmental responsibility.
FHP-Bosch Heat Pumps
FHP manufactures both commercial and residential heat pumps. For residential installation, both single-stage and 2-stage systems are available. In addition, FHP makes both water to air systems and water to water systems. Here’s an overview of the product lineup.
A water to air system uses an air handler with a blower motor to circulate heated and cooled air through ductwork. The FHP water to air systems are:
EC Series High Efficiency .5 ton to 6.0 ton systems
ES Series Ultra Efficiency 1.5 ton to 6.0 ton systems
ES 2 Stage Ultra Efficiency 2.0 ton to 6.0 ton systems
AP Series Extreme Efficiency 2.0 ton to 6.0 ton systems
AP Split Series Extreme Efficiency 2.0 ton to 6.0 ton systems
CA Series Ultra Efficiency .75 ton to 1.5 ton systems
TRS Series Superior Efficiency 3.0 ton to 35 ton systems
A water to water system heats and cools water that is circulated either through tubing in the floor or through radiant baseboard systems inside the house. FHP water to water systems are:
WT Series Extreme Efficiency 2.0 ton to 6.0 ton systems
Cost of FHP Heat Pump Systems
For residential sizes, cost will vary based on the size and the level of efficiency. For just the equipment, Florida Heat Pumps range in price from less than $4,000 to more than $8,000. The installation and the additional materials will increase the total installed cost to $10,000 – $30,000, possibly more.
Florida Heat Pumps make some of the most efficient heating and cooling systems available. They are far more efficient than air source heat pumps because stable ground temperatures make it much easier to dump heat in the summer and collect heat in the winter.
Geothermal and water source heat pumps like those from FHP are becoming more cost-effective. While the initial costs of installation remains higher than those for an air source system, the reduction in energy use and utility bills makes them a good value and an environmentally responsible choice in the long-term.
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