York Heat Pumps | Value and Efficiency You Can Understand



York split system heat pumps keep homes comfortable all year long in all types of weather conditions. Buy a York Heat Pump and you’ll understand the value associated with the York name.
The York products are simply amazing, in summer, it draws heat out of your home to cool it. In the winter, it draws heat from outside air into your home to warm it. Much like a central air conditioner, a York Heat Pump is simple and generally easy to use. The York Heat Pump includes a compressor, fan, outdoor coil, indoor coil, and a refrigerant.
The efficiency of York Heat Pumps is rated using SEER (for cooling efficiency) and HSPF (for heating efficiency).
Built from the ground up and testing the everchanging world of heat pumps, York has been developing space conditioning and refrigeration products, such as heat pumps, since 1874. They are a reputable company and have worked on projects such as the British Houses of Parliament, the English Channel Eurotunnel, the Pompidou Center in Paris, the Kremlin in Moscow and the Sydney Opera House.
York offers a wide variety of split system heat pumps in different sizes and efficiencies.